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Liz Loves Books

I love to read and to talk about books. I review many of the books I read. I do not accept any author/publisher submissions for reviews. I do not read or review ARCs. I do not enter any giveaways or contests. I obtain the books I review by purchasing them at the same price they are offered to the general public at the time of purchase. My reviews are intended for the use of my fellow readers. They are not advertising or promotion. They are not beta reads or constructive criticism or editing or advice to the author. My only obligation to the author is to pay the price charged for the book at the time of purchase. My reviews are sometimes critical and I will not stop posting critical reviews just to spare delicate authors' feelings. I am happy to make new friends, but friend requests from authors or promoters who have few or no books (and/or friends) in common with me and write or promote categories I do not read (especially new adult) will be ignored. I used to read more self-published books. After recent meltdowns by self-published authors, I now only read self-published authors I've previously read or who have been recommended to me by fellow readers I trust. I also used to read young adult/new adult books but rarely do so now.

Condition of Marriage by Emilie Rose

Condition Of Marriage (Silhouette Desire) - Emilie Rose

I finished it!  It was good.  I would probably have enjoyed it more if I hadn't read it at this particular time and if I had read at least a few of the previous 8 books in the series.  But I had no trouble figuring out what was going on. It was rather like watching an episode of a soap opera I used to watch years ago.  


This is a friend's to lovers romance and the main characters are likeable enough.  He has a deceased wife and baby and she has an ex who is badgering her for money plus she's preggers with the ex's child. So there is plenty of drama.  I'm not a huge fan of books with dead spouses.  Just not my cuppa.  I always feel like the second spouse is getting a crummy deal from the author.  And this is probably just my personal baggage but they depress me.


What I'm mostly feeling at the end of this book is happiness that I can move on.  That's not the author's fault.  It's just a thing that happens sometimes.  Fortunately, it doesn't happen to me very often.